The murder mystery we will be taking part in is called:

“The Auction”

Click your name to reveal your invitation!

Farr, Out & Lee Gal
Soliciting Services


Following the tragic death of the Baroness Audry von Munchen, her famous artifacts are being sold to the highest bidder.

We would welcome your presence at this auction and to the reading of her will.

Today you may be , but by 6pm on May 29th at Munchen Manor, you will be...

The evening shall be accompanied by dinner and refreshments.

Yours sincerely,

Freddie Farr, Attorney at Law

Some things to note:

Your character's gender is:

Our event is set in Australia in the modern day, however we encourage you to get creative with your costume - the more exaggerated the better!

Some of the character descriptions specify particular nationalities or accents.

If yours does, you must play your character as not Australian, but their nationality does not need to be the one specified in the description.

If yours does not, your character may be from wherever you like, including Australia!

Accents, like costumes, often help to get into character, so feel free to be as silly and OTT as you like with it.

Questions? Check the FAQ,
post in the WhatsApp group
or message Stephen directly!